Start of a new project: CIPROMED

Cipromed Project
Circular and Inclusive utilisation of alternative PROteins in the MEDiterranean value chains

In May 2023, the new Cipromed Project started. It is funded with more than 4.5 million euros. The scientists look at alternative proteins – #insects #microalgae – and unused side streams to make the food supply in the Mediterranean region more secure. New food and feed products will be one of the outcomes.

CIPROMED runs for three years and brings together 17 partners from 10 countries. It is funded by PRIMA – The Partnership on Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area, which receives funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme.

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Meet the project team:
SPAROS, Lda, DIL Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e. V., Bologna Business School, University of Turin, Italian National Research Council, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, RTD Talos, ELVIZ AE, Institut für Lebensmittel- und Umweltforschung, University of Thessaly, AlgaEnergy, Green Development and Innovation Association, Stolzenberger Bakery, nextProtein, Flying Spark, AquaBioTech Group

