Work like an ant, collaborate like a bee: Insect research collaboration initiatives in Europe

Language: English
Location: Online
Date: 03/14/2023
Time: 03:00 pm

EAAP has been delivering programs on animal science for over 70 years. After careful planning, we are this year going to provide some outstanding webinars by inviting top speakers who will introduce subjects related to animal science and the livestock industry to scientists and technicians.

The Webinar series is planned to be organized monthly to inform, update, and disseminate with high-profile speakers the EAAP individual members. Apart from exceptions due to organizational issues, the EAAP Webinars will be held monthly, in the afternoon of the second Tuesday of the month.

The 18th EAAP Webinar titled Work like an ant, collaborate like a bee: Insect research collaboration initiatives in Europe is organized in collaboration with the EAAP Study Commission on Insects. The Study Commission on Insects addresses all questions in the area of biomass as a substrate for insect rearing, nutritional requirements of insects, insect production, ethical aspects, processing methods of insect products, feeding value of insects (products) in animal feed, functional properties of insect products in animal feed, market applications, regulatory issues, consumer acceptance, environmental and socio-economic sustainability.

In the first part, David Deruytter (Inagro, Belgium) will present the European Research Group on Insect Production (ERGIP). ERGIP was officially launched at EAAP in Porto (2022) as a response to the dire need to share knowledge and improve general communication between researchers. In a world premiere, the official website will be launched during the webinar and ERGIP membership will be opened for all for EAAP members.

The second part will be about the current EAAP working groups activities and setup. The EAAP Insect Study Commission working groups are highly active and want to tackle the current frontiers in insect rearing and research by bringing together researchers from across the world and openly discuss (un)published results, protocols, ideas for further top-tier research. More specifically, Moritz Gold (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) will talk about the group on insect nutrition. This is a key aspect in farming insects and even more important within a circular agro-industry and the use of by-products. The final presentation will be given by Anton Gligorescu (Aarhus University, Denmark) chair of the genetics working group. The latter is a very new and fast-growing research field to actively improve the current – near-wild-type insects to suit our different needs.

By attending EAAP Webinars, you will be able to stay on top of the latest research and gain new inspiration. Connect and network through a range of interactive presentations, discussions and workshops. Get updates on the latest results and opinions about animal science and the livestock industry. You can use this program also to teach your students.

All registered participants will receive a Zoom link a few days before the webinar. We invite you to check your spam as well. If you need support with your registration, please contact or

Work like an ant, collaborate like a bee: Insect research collaboration initiatives in Europe – EAAP Annual Meetings


