About this summer school
The summer course on Insects In Food is a short and intensive program with the specific focus on edible insects and on insect ingredients in food with a virtual component and a physical stay at Ghent University. This summer school will offer varied lectures on edible insect production, sustainability, human nutrition, market of insect-based food, legislation as well as consumer and sensory science topics. It will offer the possibility of production of an insect-based food product and a field trip.
MSc students, PhD students, university staff and professionals with interest on insects as food are welcome.
Maximum 25 participants.
Academic value = 3 ECTS credits
It is necessary to have a background in one of the following areas:
- Agricultural science
- Life science
- Veterinary science
- Food science
- Human nutrition
Part 1: Online
5-8 June, 2023. Afternoon sessions from 13 – 16 h
Block 1: Basics of edible insect farming
Block 2: Edible insects and human nutrition
Block 3: Edible insect market and legislation
Block 4: Sensory and consumer science
Part 2: Presential part @ Ghent University Lectures, workshop and a visit.
4-8 September, 2023. Full days.
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. Gent, Belgium
I. Lectures on the following topics:
- Nutritional value of insects
- Minor nutrients and antinutrients
- Use of insects as ingredients
- Food design and structure of insect-based food
- Environmental and Societal impact of insect-based food
II. A visit to a relevant insect-processing site is planned.
III. Insect-based food production workshops
Production of chocolate, bakery product, margarine or whipped cream.
Practical information
Date. Online section from 5-8 June 2023. Afternoon sessions from 13 to 16 h
Presential section from 4-8 September 2023. Full days.
Place: The presential part will take place at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University. Address: Coupure Links 653, 9000, Ghent, Belgium.
Cost: Free for students from our partner universities. Those students can apply for an Erasmus+ grant to cover the mobility costs.
Other participants: 500 euros
Register now using this link https://event.ugent.be/registration/InsectsInFood
Partner universities and contact persons
General coordination at host University (UGent)
Dr. Daylan Tzompa Sosa, Daylan.tzompa@ugent.be
Contact persons at partner Universities:
Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech republic
- Lenka Kouřimská, kourimska@af.czu.cz
- Martin Kulma, kulma@af.czu.cz
University of Pisa, Italy
- Simone Mancini, simone.mancini@unipi.it
Wageningen University & Research, NL
- Maryia Mishyna,maryia.mishyna@wur.nl
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
- Åsa Berggren, Asa.Berggren@slu.se