The aim of this forum is to facilitate exchange of information and discussions related to insect production, between ERGIP members. The ERGIP forum is covering a broad area and hosting multiple discussion channels, such as insect technologies, insects’ genetics, insect application and insect nutrition, etc.). Furthermore, it is within the scope of this forum to provide young scientists with a channel (young scientist corner) for discussing and disseminate latest research in insect production.

Home page Forum General Buggs and improvements

  • Buggs and improvements

    Posted by David on March 3, 2023 at 10:35 am

    Dear all,

    Please if you encounter any difficulties on the website or think about improvements you can mention them in this discussion.

    The website is a living digital organism and it will change over time. But to ensure the best possible experience we do need input from you.

    Best regards

    The ERGIP team

    David replied 1 year, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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